Transforming public-private negotiations
Negotiations between public and private sectors are often dysfunctional, with misunderstandings, short termism, and a lack of creativity. This delivers poor outcomes for the parties and the public.
From decades of experience, we’ve learned there’s a better way for public and private sectors to negotiate for the common good. Our mission is to transform public-private negotiations to improve outcomes for both parties and the public.
What we do
Whether you’re preparing for a negotiation, or your current negotiations have reached a crisis point, we have the tools to help you navigate it successfully.
Strategic negotiating advice
We advise throughout negotiations, from developing strategy and preparing your team to delivering the deal, all underpinned by multidisciplinary analysis and deep negotiating experience.
Our experienced and accredited mediators provide third-party mediation in public-private negotiations to unblock negotiations, build trust, and unlock value.
Lessons learned reviews
After a negotiation, we can help you interpret and assess what happened, ensuring that the right lessons are learned and leaving your oganisation stronger for the next one.
Our team has served at the highest levels of government and advised public and private sector leaders in the UK and internationally.
David Gauke
Joshua Flax
Chris Brown
Iain Steel
James Dowling
Our approach
Many negotiators focus solely on tactics ‘at the table’. We take a wider view.
Our approach builds on the pioneering ‘3D’ framework developed by Harvard’s David Lax and James Sebenius, adapted for the specific challenges of public-private negotiations.
Deal design ‘on the drawing board’ maximises value creation
Scope, process and context ‘away from the table’ ensure conducive setup
Tactics ‘at the table’ allow for creating and claiming value
Working with us
Our role is to help you plan and deliver your most effective negotiation. No two negotiations and clients are the same. We will work with you to shape our contribution around your existing capabilities and capacities, as an external advisor or fully embedded within your team.
However you choose to work with us, we will always act as a trusted partner to your existing team and other advisors.